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Freya | Körper Geist Spiritualität, Zürich

Body Mind Spirit


Freya is a center for healing that goes beyond alternative medicine. A sanctuary for body, mind, and soul right in the heart of Zurich. Our small practice is home to a diverse team of experienced therapists, counselors, and holistic practitioners who will support you on your personal path to wholeness.

With a focus on a humane and compassionate encounter, we offer a range of diverse body therapies, psychological guidance, and spiritual growth opportunities based on the wisdom of nature and the cosmic laws of consciousness. Whether you are looking for emotional, spiritual, or physical support, our team offers professional and experienced guidance on your path. Welcome to a place where transformation is possible.

A place for growth, healing and being human.


Our services are accessible to all people regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, religious or ethical identity or physical disability. However, we are on the second floor without an elevator.



04  AYURVEDA        ...and more

Körper, Massage, Craniosacral, Massage, Zürich


The body is a messenger and is in constant communication with us. Root causes of illnesses, pain and blockages often remain misunderstood and need energetic listening and benevolent touch. This activates its natural striving for wholeness, healing and well-being.


Bewusstsein, Meditation, Psychologie, Psychotherapie, Zürich





04  MEDITATION      ...and more

Our mental health is increasingly challenged by countless stress factors. Personal trauma and emotional difficulties need compassionate witnessing so that they can be integrated and self-healing becomes possible.





04  SATSANG        ...and more

Spiritual health is a blueprint for our development. In alignment with our true nature as consciousness, we can better understand our human challenges and get to know ourselves and life more deeply.


Spirituell, indigen, spiritual counselling, Schamanismus, Zürich


Each of our practitioners offers their own full range of services independently. You can find out more about their services and book them via a link to their personal website. The treatments and sessions all take place at our center.

Freya, Helena Laurent, Prozessorientierte Psychologie, Embracing, Coaching, Trauma, Spiritualität, Meditation, Zürich


Process-oriented Psychology
Spiritual Counceling
Becoming Coaching

Guidance in personal processes and challenging life circumstances, for adults and youth.

Life crises, emotional processes, trauma, transition & transformation, relationships, systemic suffering, identity & self-discovery, transformation of consciousness & spirituality, awakening symptoms.


Embracing: women's care for touch starvation Becoming Coaching: (visuals & writing for emerging consciousness-based projects)

Deutsch / English

Kati Alvarez, Medicine Woman, Dekolonialisierung, Gebärmutter, Schamanin, Womb-healing, Marginalisierung, Zürich


Medicine woman 
Spiritual Care
Divine Feminine- and Masculine

Accompanying heart healing, inner child and trauma work, dealing with loss, meaninglessness, altered states of consciousness, end-of-life processes, accessing spiritual connection, self-worth issues, sexuality and relationships, marginalization, internal decolonization, ancestral work, and reinstating the right of existance.

Womb healing (pregnancy, birth, motherhood...) | Healing the archetypal male wound.

Deutsch / Español

Freya, Leila Saidani, Energiearbeit, energy healing, Achtsamkeit, MBSR, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction


Energy work
Individual support in mindfulness
MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction)

Support & guidance with psychological and physical themes, initiating self-healing and change processes, releasing energetic blockages (beliefs, relationship issues, emotions, e.g. fears), promoting well-being, satisfaction, and inner balance. More conscious handling of stress and difficult situations.

Deutsch / English

Freya | Hypnose, psychosoziale Beratung, Jugendcoaching, Paarberatung



Psycho-social Counceling
Youth-Support & Coaching

Systemic psychosocial, individual-, couple- and family counseling, youth coaching and support, hypnosis, support as a resource in individual and spiritual processes.

Deutsch / English

Freya, Claudine Lischer, Craniosacral Therapie, therapy, medial, Schmerzen, Ängste


Craniosacral Therapy
Psychic Counseling


Deep processes, self-discovery, body awareness, orientation, self-empowerment, pain, fears, facilitation for processes.


Freya, Petra Jaldon, Physiotherapie, Faszienarbeit, Heilmassage, chronische Schmerzen, Wohlbefinden, Entspannung


Healing Massage
Energy-centered Physiotherapy
Fascia Therapy


Energy blockages, functional disorders, chronic pain, psychosomatic bodily symptoms, physical and emotional stress, promoting well-being and relaxation.


For adults, children, and adolescents.

Deutsch / English / Italiano / Español / Česky

Freya, Sabri Saidani, Prozessarbeit, prozessorientierte Psychologie, Heilpädagoge, Familientherapie


Process-oriented Psychology
Spiritual Work
Curative Pedagogy


Process facilitation, counseling, coaching, supervision

for adults, adolescents, and children

in individual, couple, family, and group settings.

Personal and professional reorientation, difficulties in school or training, career choice, developmental processes and relationship difficulties, community or team issues, parenting, addiction and substances, (social) anxieties, support after burnout, during illness, in grief and end-of-life care, spiritual, religious, and intercultural themes, integration, etc.


Freya, Maria Stracke, Ayurveda Massage, Körpertherapie, Ayurveda, Ernährungsberatung, Yoga, Mediation


Ayurvedic Massage & Bodywork
Ayurveda Nutrition Counceling
Yoga & Mediation  

Oil massages for relaxation and regeneration, Ayurveda therapy to support healing processes, strengthening body awareness, sleep problems and states of exhaustion, potential expansion and self-love, body-oriented process support.


Deutsch / English / Español

Freya | Franziska Booz, Traumatherapie, Trauer, Psychologische Beratung, Somatic Experiencing, posttraumatische Belastung


Psychological Councelor
Trauma- & Griefwork
Somatic Experiencing i.e.


Simple and complex post-traumatic stress disorders, experiences of shock and loss in childhood and adulthood, safety and attachment conflicts, transgenerational trauma. 

Deutsch / English

Freya, Solune Laurent, Beauty, Styling, Self Love, Generation, Makeup, grosse Schwester


Beauty, Styling & Selflove
for Teenage- Girls

As a young woman who was recently a teenager herself, I am intimately familiar with the insecurities, issues, longings, and fears of young girls of our generation. Giving them self-worth, hope, strength, and beauty can be achieved through styling, makeup, and sisterly conversations. I want to provide teenagers with this place of comfort and trust because I would have liked to have had it too.

A beautiful gift to teens, which adults cannot reach.

Deutsch / English / Francais


We collaborate with a fine selection of international spirit workers, who we respect deeply for their wisdom, knowledge and ability to provide guidance through an evolved consciousness and clarity of vision. 


Freya, Göttin der Liebe, Goddess, Zurich
Baldr, Mythologie, divine feminine, divine masculine

The essence of the integrated human.

Our center bears the name of the goddess Freya, not only because we are located on Freya Street, but also to honor her essence as the fertile carrier of female wisdom. Similarly, the Norse god Baldr uniquely embodies part of the masculine primal force, and his light symbolizes the power of awareness, without which all wisdom would be unfruitful.

Freya and Baldr are archetypal qualities that emerged from the myths of our own indigenous ancient European cultures, still kept alive in the hearts of some people - like a flame that is passed on. Their aspects spring forth from a primordial divine essence, for which we stand in the world.

There are two forces in the universe whose interplay creates and permeates all existence: On the one hand, the primordial feminine force, the dynamic and ever-changing aspect of reality - on the other hand, the primordial masculine aspect, the light of consciousness that witnesses everything. These two forces are present in all of us as vertical and horizontal powers.


We emerge from an understanding, as found in many spiritual traditions, that all life is a constant expression of the dance between these two qualities. With this worldview, we recognize that the truly integrated human being is the one in whom these two aspects meet in the heart.

The divine feminine force interweaves all manifestations and is deeply sentient. It lives in all of us as an intuitive, connecting force, as the cosmic intelligence of the earth, as a subconscious, mythological dream level and as wisdom that is present in the body. She is the divine mother, the energetic matrix in nature, the constant bearer and destroyer of life. Our Western psyche has collectively lost access to the primordial feminine. A stressful society that makes us ill is a sign of this. Reconnecting with ourselves, as part of a living, ensouled world, leads us back to wholeness, as individuals and as a community.


The Divine Masculine serves as a space-holder for her creation - it is the power of consciousness and self-realization, of peaceful discernment and the heart-centered service of a witness. The primal masculine is the inexhaustible power of presence, so to speak. It nourishes every manifestation wherever it is directed, for it is the power of reverence.

Freya and Baldr as mythological archetypes each represent an aspect of this divine interplay: Freya stands for love, the fertility of spring, mystical teachings and feminine wisdom, but also for merciful guidance and the spirit of victory.


Baldr stands for the purest light-filled masculinity, the forgotten face of masculinity, whose power lies in the heart. He is the protector of life and loved by nature. His essence is inherent in all of us and deeply meaningful, as without it, the world is a place of exploitation rather than service to the earth. Isolation, a lack of connection, disorientation, and grief spread without his presence. Legend has it that he has been banished to the underworld until the collapse of the world when he will re-emerge. 

We feel that these two qualities want to be brought back to life in our world and that the world's soul yearns for this.

Accompanying people on their path to inner integrity and wholeness is thus also our service to the ensouled world, to a life-affirming society, and to the health of us all.

Freya, Galen Menzel, Sacred Masculinity, Dharma, spiritual guide, satsang, online session

Galen Menzel | Online Sessions (US)

Guide for Sacred Masculinity
Grief and Relation
Dharmic Counselling

Guidance into reverent consciousness, karmic disentanglement, discovery of soul purpose, ancestral trauma, disconnection from life /divinity, spiritual companionship, sacred relating, spiritual fatherhood, heart-centered masculinity.


Freya, Mari O'Connell, Psychotherapie, psychotherapy, online session, divine feminine, ancestors, european ancestry, Irland

Mari O'Connell | Online Sessions (IR)

Guide for Sacred Feminine and
European ancestry

Human crisis, emotional distress, existential experiences, connection to ancestry, mystical experiences, soul messages from core womanhood, sacred spaces, storytelling, nature based knowledge.


Freya, Jae Nicolini, Psychotherapeutic Counselor, Humanistic Integrative Therapy, Spiritual Counselor, LGBTQIA+, Relationship

Jae Nicolini | Online Sessions

Psychotherapeutic Counselor
Humanistic Integrative Therapy
Spiritual Counselor

Anxiety, Low self-esteem, Relationships, Depression, Addiction, Abuse, Family issues, LGBTQIA+ counselling, Body dysmorphia, Bereavement, ADHD, Spirituality, Spiritual care, Intercultural, Intersectionality, Identity, Life transitions, Personal development.


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